On the Edge of Peace


On the Edge of Peace is the first joint Israeli-Palestinian co-production. The documentary film captures a tumultuous year from the perspective of both sides. From the signing of the Oslo Accords to Yasser Arafat’s return to Gaza in 1994, three Palestinians and three Israelis are sent out with camcorders to document their own lives in intimate video diaries.

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
On the Edge of Peace
على حافة السلام
على حافه السلامarz
Ar Ymyl Tangnefeddcy
Herstellungsland:Israel, Staat Palästina
Originalsprache:Hebräisch, Arabisch
Regie:Ilan Ziv
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Datenstand: 06.12.2022 01:28:06Uhr