Hope & Glory

Hope and Glory is a BBC television drama about a comprehensive school struggling with financial, staffing and disciplinary problems, and faced with closure. It starred Lenny Henry as maverick "Superhead" Ian George, enlisted to turn around the school's fortunes.

It was created by Lucy Gannon, who had previously created Soldier Soldier, and was inspired by a real head teacher named William Atkinson, who had turned around a secondary school in London which had been placed into special measures.[1][2][3]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
Hope and Glory ast ga
Hope & Glory
Herstellungsland:Vereinigtes Königreich
IMDB: 72
Regie:Juliet May
Darsteller:Lenny Henry
Amanda Redman
Clive Russell
Gillian Kearney
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