Searching for Skylab


Searching for Skylab - America's Forgotten Triumph is a 2019 documentary about the 1970s American space station Skylab. It was written by Carl Alessi and directed by Dwight Steven-Boniecki and partly crowdfunded.[1][2]

Searching for Skylab was created to bring attention to the important role Skylab played in the development of human spaceflight programs. On Skylab, Steven-Boniecki said "hundreds of hours of video and audio recordings exist from it, yet it is unlikely that you've seen or heard much of it."[3]

A preview of the first working version of Searching for Skylab was screened at Spacefest, Tucson, AZ on July 5, 2018 to a crowd of space experts, astronauts and their families. Following a great reception, Boniecki completed filming and got the movie ready for its release on the 45th anniversary of the return of the last Skylab crew to Earth on February 8, 2019.[4]

Shortly before completion, a sneak peek of the movie’s working version was presented in November 2018 at the Science Late Show at the Kosmos Kino in Zürich.[5]

The film premiered at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, on February 8, 2019, with Skylab astronauts Jack Lousma (Skylab 3) and Ed Gibson (Skylab 4) in attendance.[6] The movie was released online in March 2019 and is available on video on demand.

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
Kinostart:Februar 2019
weitere Titel:
Searching for Skylab
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Datenstand: 22.09.2022 13:26:42Uhr