Singer Presents...Elvis
Singer Presents ... Elvis (commonly referred to as the '68 Comeback Special) was a televised concert of American singer Elvis Presley, aired by NBC on December 3, 1968. It marked Presley's return to live performance after seven years during which his career was centered on the film industry. Presley was unhappy with his distance from musical trends of the time, and the low-quality film productions in which he was involved.
Initially planned as a Christmas special by the network and Presley's manager Colonel Tom Parker, producer Bob Finkel transformed the idea. He hired director Steve Binder to update Presley's sound, and to create a concert that would be current and appeal to a younger audience. Filming took place in June 1968 at NBC Studios in Burbank, California. The show consisted of a sit-down section, stand-up numbers and two musicals. The sit-down session showcased Presley in an informal setting, surrounded by fans and a small band.
The special garnered positive reviews when it aired, topped the Nielsen television ratings for the week, and was the most watched show of the season. Later known as the "Comeback Special", it re-launched Presley's singing career and his return to live performance.
Kinostart: | 1968 | ||||||||||||||||||
weitere Titel: |
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Genre: | Musikfilm | ||||||||||||||||||
Herstellungsland: | Vereinigte Staaten | ||||||||||||||||||
Originalsprache: | Englisch | ||||||||||||||||||
Farbe: | Farbe | ||||||||||||||||||
IMDB: | 1696 | ||||||||||||||||||
Verleih: | National Broadcasting Company, iTunes |
Regie: | Steve Binder | |
Drehbuch: | Chris Bearde | |
Musik: | Elvis Presley | |
Produzent: | Steve Binder | |
Bones Howe | ||
Darsteller: | Elvis Presley |
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