Helter Skelter
Helter Skelter is a 1949 British romantic comedy film directed by Ralph Thomas and starring Carol Marsh, David Tomlinson and Mervyn Johns. A radio star becomes involved with a wealthy heiress.
The recurring English comic characters Charters and Caldicott also appeared in the film.
Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
Kinostart: | 1949 | ||||||||
weitere Titel: |
| ||||||||
Genre: | romantische Komödie | ||||||||
Herstellungsland: | Vereinigtes Königreich | ||||||||
Originalsprache: | Englisch | ||||||||
Farbe: | Schwarzweiß | ||||||||
IMDB: | 206 | ||||||||
Verleih: | General Film Distributors |
Regie: | Ralph Thomas | |
Drehbuch: | Patrick Campbell, 3rd Baron Glenavy | |
Kamera: | Jack Asher | |
Musik: | Francis Chagrin | |
Darsteller: | David Tomlinson | |
Carol Marsh |
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