The Inheritance


The Inheritance is micro-budget road movie following two Scottish brothers on a dark search to find their late father’s inheritance.[2] John Robbins, writing for Raindance Film Festival said the film is a "dark, touching look at brotherhood, identity and the stereotype of the Scotsman's inability to express his feelings."[3]

As the debut feature film by director Charles-Henri Belleville, The Inheritance was filmed in February 2007 with a £5000 budget,[4] in miniDV format.[3] With a run time of 62 minutes, the film runs about half the two hours of the average feature film.[5]

The Inheritance stars Fraser Sivewright, Tom Hardy, Imogen Toner and Tim Barrow. Barrow founded Lyre Productions, which made the movie. Barrow also served as the film's primary writer.

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
The Inheritance
ارث (فیلم ۲۰۰۷)fa
繼承 (2007年電影)zh
The Inheritance (película de 2007)
Herstellungsland:Vereinigtes Königreich
Regie:Charles Henri Belleville
Drehbuch:Tim Barrow
Darsteller:Imogen Toner
Tom Hardy
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British Independent Film Awards
Raindance Award
Datenstand: 10.12.2022 17:49:02Uhr