The Vampire Who Admires Me


The Vampire Who Admires Me (Chinese: 有隻僵屍暗戀你 ; Cantonese Yale: Yau chat guen see um leun nei ) is a 2008 Hong Kong mystery comedy film directed by Cub Chin starring Samuel Pang and Roger Kwok and actresses JJ Jia Maggie Li, Natalie Meng, model Ankie Beilke, Winnie Leung, and model Tanya Ng.

A 2009 review states that "This is an odd one in that it uses the traditional kyonsi and yet throws in a Western horror sensibility (most notably, I thought, borrowing from the zombie genre in tone) as well as throwing in a more traditionally Hong Kong cinema sense of humour."[1] This comment is confirmed by a retrospecteive review: "It was like a ride back into the horror comedy films that proliferated in the late 1990s in fare like Bio-Zombie, the Troublesome Night films and the anthologies with times in the title like Midnight Zone and 1 a.m. The only thing it was missing was an appearance from Helen Law Lan who was in nearly all the horror films of that period."[2] This statement is confirmed again by yet another review but in a more negative approach: "Wong Jing should perhaps turn away from echoing the olden days while Cub Chien might blossom under someone else."[3]

Another review gives a mildly positive assessment: "The Vampire Who Admires Me is hard to rate as good, but it still amuses and is certainly better than other recent Wong Jing efforts."[4]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
The Vampire Who Admires Me
有隻僵屍暗戀你zh-hant yue
Regie:Cub Chien
Produzent:Wong Jing
Darsteller:Roger Kwok
JJ Jia
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Datenstand: 13.05.2023 05:33:23Uhr