The Flying Squirrel


The Flying Squirrel is a 1954 animated short film featuring Donald Duck. It was released by Walt Disney Productions.[1]

Donald Duck owns a peanut cart and has set up in a park. A flying squirrel comes along and Donald recruits him to help tie his sign to a tree with the promise of a peanut. However, the peanut that Donald gives him turns out to be bad and won't give him another one. This causes the squirrel to start a battle with Donald.

The short was released on November 11, 2008 on Walt Disney Treasures: The Chronological Donald, Volume Four: 1951-1961.[2]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
The Flying Squirrel ast
Det flyvende egern
Kalle Ankas flygande ekorre
Lo scoiattolo goloso
Herstellungsland:Vereinigte Staaten
IMDB: 419
Regie:Jack Hannah
Drehbuch:Roy Williams
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