Night at the Crossroads


Night at the Crossroads (French: La Nuit du carrefour) is a 1932 French film by Jean Renoir, based on the novel of the same title (known in English as Maigret at the Crossroads) by Georges Simenon and starring Renoir's brother Pierre Renoir as Simenon's popular detective, Inspector Maigret.

The French director Jacques Becker, then apprentice to Renoir, worked as assistant director and production manager on the film.

Often cited as being Jean Renoir's least well-known sound film,[1] Night at the Crossroads has nonetheless maintained a very strong critical reputation. In an article republished as part of André Bazin's book on Renoir, the French New Wave critic and filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard described it as being "Renoir's most mysterious film" and "the only great French detective movie--in fact, the greatest of all adventure movies."[2]

At a symposium on the Hungarian filmmaker Béla Tarr held at Facets Multimedia on 16 September 2007, American film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum mentioned that Tarr's then-new feature, The Man from London (also based on a novel by Georges Simenon), was influenced by Night at the Crossroads.[3]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
La Nuit du carrefour sh
Night at the Crossroads en-ca en-gb
La notte dell'incrocio
شب در چهارراهfa
Ночь на перекрёстке (фильм, 1932)
La noche de la encrucijada
Noc na křižovatcecs
Genre:Filmdrama, Kriminalfilm, Literaturverfilmung
IMDB: 920
Regie:Jean Renoir
Drehbuch:Jean Renoir
Kamera:Georges Asselin
Marcel Lucien
Schnitt:Marguerite Renoir
Darsteller:Pierre Renoir
André Dignimont
Jean Gehret
Jean Mitry
Max Dalban
Michel Duran
Roger Gaillard
Georges Térof
Winna Winifried
Georges Koudria
G.A. Martin
Jane Pierson
Manuel Raaby
Lucie Vallat
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